Major arcanaTarotThe Hero's Journey

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: The Lovers


A Man and a Woman stand at two intersecting paths.

Woman: (addressing the seekers) We’re trying to decide if we should get married.

Man: She doesn’t think I really love her even though I tell her all the time.

Woman: Yes, you keep telling me that, but it doesn’t feel like you love me as much as I love you.

Man: So what can I do to convince you I love you?

Woman: If I told you and you did it, then I still wouldn’t know if you really loved me or if you were just doing it because I told you to.

Man: You see, it’s impossible! (Turns back to woman, who is now looking up) I love you, I love you, I love you! I give you roses, I take you out to nice restaurants. What else can I do? We are totally compatible. We, both like camping and hiking and murder mysteries and Thai food. We both have good jobs and can support ourselves. I think we should get married.

Woman: (Still looking up) Yes, my love, but I have this feeling and I’m not sure what it’s telling me, but it’s something important. I just know it. I need to figure it out before I decide. (Looks directly at the seekers) Have any of you ever felt like the universe or the gods or someone up there (points up) was trying to tell you something you really needed to know and you sort of can tell what it is; but when you put words or sense to it, it feels like you’re making it up and it’s not what they meant at all?

Well, that’s how I feel.

Man: (Addressing the seekers) So we’re stuck. I think we’re going to have to wait till she gets done processing. But you’re on a Journey and you can’t wait.  I think you need to go that way. (points down the path leading to The Chariot)

Woman: Yes, that feels right.

Man rolls his eyes, puts his arm around the woman and they walk off down the other path.

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