Major arcanaTarotThe Hero's Journey

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana: SunFest 2016: The Chariot


Charioteer: Yeah, I know. It looks pretty bad. There’s no way to steer this bike (points to handle bars) or make it move (holds up wheel) But actually, it’s not as bad as it looks. I have almost everything I need to make this bike work beautifully.

And you have almost everything you need to make your life work beautifully—if you’ve been paying attention and learned the lessons of the first six major arcana.

Have you figured out your sexual identity and how to function in the sexually charged social structure of your culture?

Do you have a relationship with spirit that feeds your soul?

Have learned a marketable skill from a good teacher?

And have you learned that when you are making a decision, sometimes logic isn’t all you need? Sometimes you need to trust your heart and follow those wild, inexplicable hunches.

If so, you’re all set—except for one thing. And if you aren’t able to do this one thing you will fail. You must hunker down, put on your big kid biker panties, and actually use all those skills to make your life work. You must have focus and staying power because it’s a tough job.

See you around. I have a bike to fix and you have a journey to finish.

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