Major arcanaSynchronicityTarot

Yup, It Really Is All Connected

While I was researching and writing my posts on The Tower two catastrophic events happened in our household:

 My husband developed water on his lungs from a previous fall–he’d landed on his left side. The symptoms mimicked a heart attack and we went through a harrowing emergency room ordeal. They drained 1.3 liters of fluid from between the plural linings around his lung that looked exactly like Killians Red ale. It even had a nice head of froth. I don’t think either one of us will be able to drink that beer again.

 Leo, our cat, fell out of a tree trying to escape the 4th of July neighborhood fireworks. Who’d a thunk the heavy artillery would start at three in the afternoon? He suffered some severe internal damage and emotional shock. A friend of ours is a shaman that is very good with animals. She did some work with him and said his soul had shattered into many pieces and eight entities had moved into his fragile body to fill the void. It took her a long time to retrieve all the pieces, evict the unwelcome squatters, and do some emergency healing.


My husband is doing fine, he’s rafting on the Deschutes River this weekend. Leo is still recuperating.

One of the lessons of The Tower is that all the things we depend on for emotional and physical support are merely a gossamer web that can tear at the tiniest twitch of the Universe. The health and well being of our loved ones, our jobs, and our homes are gifts from the gods and should never be taken for granted. It is also important to remember that when one web breaks, the Universe always offers us another one.

I’m starting on The Star now, so hopefully thing will settle down.

3 thoughts on “Yup, It Really Is All Connected

  1. I’m researching chaos theory for a couple of stories, all started when a meteorologist realized (and plotted) a butterfly wing flap in the Amazon could cause or change a hurricane in the Caribbean. Sounds like that’s what you have been dealing with in “The Tower”. Gorgeous pic of the cat, and glad to hear that your husband is mended.

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