Wheel of the Year

Happy Samhain!

photo by Toby Ord, Oct, 31, 2003

The veil between the worlds is thin this time of year and spirits walk.

This evening or tomorrow evening would be an excellent time to have a Dumb Supper and visit with your ancestors.

Set up an altar on your kitchen or dining room table and decorate it with your favorite Samhain/Halloween stuff – gourds, marigolds, tiny pumpkins, skulls, orange and black candles, etc. If someone you love passed away last year, put their picture on the altar with a few of their favorite things. Put out pictures of your other ancestors too if you like.

Cook a wonderful dinner and set an extra place at the table.

Cast a circle and invite your ancestors to join you for dinner. Serve up the food and make sure you are extra generous with that extra place setting. Relax and enjoy your meal in total silence so you can hear what your ancestors have to say to you. Some years our dining room is full to bursting with the spirits of our loved ones and other years there are only a few. My brother usually comes, although he’s not dead yet. He lives three time zones east of us and goes to sleep early.

Ancestor Altar from the book: Altars and Icons, Sacred Spaces in Everyday Life, by Jean McMann

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