The Major Arcana and The Hero’s Journey: The Hanged Man, Part II

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The Hanged Man is in search of enlightenment. But notice that he’s not having a cup of tea with Great Aunt Ethel. The knowledge he seeks can only be given to him by the gods, or for those with a more secular viewpoint, by his subconscious. This sort of knowledge is available to everyone; all we need to do is ask. It’s attainment is the selling point of the major religions and meditation techniques. The part that they sometimes don’t mention is that to receive the answer, you must go to a place where you can actually hear it, and then you must be very still.  It isn’t a physical place.  It exists where the world as we know it and the realm of the “other world” intersect.  It’s that ethereal, dusky place between the dark and the daylight.  Psychologist call it “liminal space” and define it as a place where borders meet and soften and become neither one nor the… Read More »