“Hooray for February”

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Wheel of the Year

February is a most under-appreciated month. It’s bleak, bitter, and host to some of the worst weather of winter. It doesn’t even get its full monthly measure of days. This year is a leap year, so it has 29 days instead of its usual 28. Its name comes from the Latin, februa, which are purifications and expiatory rites. The February calendar is full of them. But Alison Skelton, a witch/shaman/artist/writer/friend from Victoria, BC, does have some nice things to say about February, and I thought I’d share them with you. “Hooray for February! I’m sure that is not a common sentiment, particularly for those who are still ensconced in snow and ice. As a Wiccan and a Shamanic practitioner I cannot help but be aware of how our human psyche is so very connected with what is experienced in nature. Nature is our teacher, our healer and our spiritual sustenance. So take heart, for the spirit of Februa is with us, and brings love, increasing… Read More »