A Ghost Story

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It’s October, the time of year when spirits walk and magic tweaks at our senses. The perfect time for a ghost story. I wish I could start this one out with “It was a dark and stormy night,” but it was actually a bright sunny day in August and I had just finished getting a healing from my friend, Heather. “So tell me what you saw,” I said. Heather sees dead people and lots of other strange things. Although I am careful to keep things both psychically and physically clear, several clients have told me that when I work the massage room sometimes turns into a spiritual Grand Central Station. So I always ask Heather what’s going on. “It was pretty quiet this time,” she replied. “But I did see this short, dapper man in a bowler hat and a three piece suit walk to the top of the stairs to this floor, check his pocket watch, look over at us, smirk, and walk into… Read More »

Why Writers Have Editors

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Christopher Vogler wrote a book called The Writer’s Journey, Mythic Structure for Writers (first printing, 1998). Borrowing heavily from Joseph Campbell’s landmark book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), and the work of Carl Jung, he was the first to describe The Hero’s Journey as a template for stories. I used to wonder why he called it The Writer’s Journey instead of The Hero’s Journey, but over the years I’ve come to understand. Vogler wrote his book for writers, and learning to write is a true Hero’s Journey. But unlike a story, which has a beginning, middle, and end, the writer’s journey never ends. It’s not a circle; it’s a spiral. Each turn takes you deeper into the mystery of how to create a story. The stages and archetypes that Vogler describes remain the same, but they are portrayed by different events and people with each turn. At the start of my journey: The Ordinary World was my life experience: family and friends, the… Read More »

At Last! A Plausible Explanation for the Origin of the Tarot

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A Library is a magical place: all those books jammed together, whispering and daring each other to grab the attention of unsuspecting patrons and teach them a thing or three. I am certain I was the subject of just such a conspiracy. I had chosen my stack of books and was ambling contentedly toward the checkout machines when I made an unplanned right hand turn toward the mystery section. Maybe just one more, I thought. A mystery. Haven’t read a good murder mystery in awhile. My eyes skimmed the titles and immediately lit on an ornate font that hinted at a medieval murder mystery, my favorite. I plucked the book from the shelves and sure enough, it was The Song of the Nightingale, one of the Hawkenlye Mysteries by Alys Clare, set in early 13th century southern England. In retrospect, I’m sure I heard a triumphant “Gotcha!” as I added the book to my stack. I enjoyed the book mostly because of its view into… Read More »

A Bright and Blessed Summer Solstice to All!

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This weekend my husband and I are headed out to the Coast Range for a Journey to the Sun, a neoshamanic pathworking by Lupa, a shaman who works with the animal powers. I am looking forward to spending time with friends; welcoming The Sun in his greatest glory and becoming even more in touch with my animal guides. These spirits are a great help and blessing to me in my everyday work as a massage therapist, offering suggestions and their own marvelous healing energy.

The Sun, Part I: The Major Arcana and The Hero’s Journey

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After the destruction of The Tower the hero, if he perseveres, will always find The Star, the bright spot in the nighttime that gives him hope, inspiration and the courage to travel the realms of The Moon and learn her secrets. Then and only then can he understand the true nature of reality. It becomes plain as day. The Sun reveals all. Unlike The Moon key, he shows not just a profile, but his full face. He still casts shadows, but unlike moon shadows that conceal, frighten, and mystify, sun shadows add dimension and interest. Sunlight shows everything in its true form. All mysteries are revealed in its warm, nourishing light. The Sun is everything to us. We are truly solar powered beings. His dazzling rays power the earth, bringing us food, warmth, weather, and life itself. His overwhelming presence attracts us and keeps us on our cyclic path. Sunlight also nourishes our spirits. As the days grow longer and warmer our souls blossom with… Read More »

We’re Back!

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And I am feeling most fortunate. The food was fabulous, the weather was almost too hot and sunny, and everyone was very kind to us. But it’s obvious that Greece is having economic troubles. Almost none of the restaurants and hotels would take credit cards—they all wanted cash; and my husband and I got out of Athens airport just one day ahead of a metro/taxi strike and airport closure. But it was the ancient Greeks and Minoans and their civilizations that drew us to modern Greece and held us spellbound for our entire sojourn there. The thing that always surprises me when I look carefully at an ancient civilization is how intelligent the people were and how much they knew about Life, the Universe and Everything. We tend to think that our ideas, philosophies, and understanding of the universe are special and original to us. They aren’t. They’ve all been thought and said and done before. The Greek temples and Minoan palaces were marvels of architectural… Read More »

In Memoriam

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Weddings and funerals are the rituals that bind community and families together. They are also events that are quite magical because they take place in a twilight zone, a time that is neither one thing nor the other, neither this nor that. The bride and groom have ended their single lives and the wedding marks the beginning of their marriage. The deceased has ended her life in this world and is beginning her afterlife. Both rituals mark a time for intense attitude adjustment for the celebrants and the threshold of a new life for those who are being celebrated. They are times of power when our world and the other world overlap. They are times when synchronicities happen with unnerving consistency. Last weekend I attended the memorial of a friend who died way too young. She was a quiet woman with a wicked sense of humor, a talented artist, a loving wife, and an admirer of wolves. It was a comfort to remember her along… Read More »

The Major Arcana and the Hero’s Journey: The Star, Part II

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The Hebrew letter, Tzaddi, is attributed to The Star. Tzaddi means fishhook, or that which is used to pull a fish, Nun (Death), out of water, Mem (The Hanged Man). * Water is the great unconscious and the fish symbolizes abundance, growth, and productivity. The fish is also a symbol of the place where the material world intersects the spiritual world (see The Hanged Man, Part II). And so we must use the fishhook of meditation or prayer to delve into the great unconscious and discover the hope, healing, and inspiration of The Star. Aquarius is associated with The Star. Natives of this fixed air sign are idealistic, eccentric, egalitarian, humanistic, intelligent, and stubborn. They are the rebels that oppose the bondage of the status quo and give us hope and inspiration. They are also capable of the mental focus necessary to meditate or pray effectively. The sign’s glyph of two wavy lines one over the other is an image of the magical axiom “As… Read More »

The Major Arcana and The Hero’s Journey: The Star, Part I

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Stars are bright points in the nighttime. We wish on them, we worship them, and we seek guidance from them. They remind us that even in the darkest dark there is hope and inspiration. The Star is the perfect key to follow the desolation of The Tower. The brightest star in the heavens is Venus. Actually, Venus is a planet not a star, but she is a very bright point in the nighttime. When she sets just after the sun in the west, she is the Evening Star, which the Greeks called Hesperus. When she rises just before the sun in the east she is the Morning Star, Phosphorus Aster, the Greek title for the reborn Dionysius.* She is the most ancient Sumerian goddess Inanna, who begins her descent into the underworld as the Evening Star, is hung out to die on a meat hook by her sister Ereshkigal, and is reborn in the east as the Morning Star. She is Ishtar. She is Astarte,… Read More »