My Snowdrops are out! Imbolc Will Be Here Soon.

Posted 5 CommentsPosted in Gifts from the Multiverse, Wheel of the Year

Snowdrops. Ya gotta love ‘em. Dainty, pure white flowers that thrive in the coldest, darkest part of the year. In the Pacific Northwest they always arrive just before Imbolc, the festival of first light. They reassure us that winter won’t last forever. But for me, the arrival of these cheerful flowers triggers bittersweet memories. The snowdrops in the picture are growing in my front yard. They used to grow next door in Patty’s front yard. We were friends and neighbors for over twenty years, and we did a lot of talking during that time. The things we talked about most were gardens and growing things. Two years ago Patty lay dying of cancer in a hospital bed in her living-room, surrounded by grieving friends and family. But snowdrops were blooming in her front yard.