A Ghost Story

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It’s October, the time of year when spirits walk and magic tweaks at our senses. The perfect time for a ghost story. I wish I could start this one out with “It was a dark and stormy night,” but it was actually a bright sunny day in August and I had just finished getting a healing from my friend, Heather. “So tell me what you saw,” I said. Heather sees dead people and lots of other strange things. Although I am careful to keep things both psychically and physically clear, several clients have told me that when I work the massage room sometimes turns into a spiritual Grand Central Station. So I always ask Heather what’s going on. “It was pretty quiet this time,” she replied. “But I did see this short, dapper man in a bowler hat and a three piece suit walk to the top of the stairs to this floor, check his pocket watch, look over at us, smirk, and walk into… Read More »