Why Are All the Cartoon Mothers Dead?

Posted 9 CommentsPosted in Book Review, Goddess, Writing

In the July/August 2014 issue of The Atlantic Sarah Boxer wonders “Why Are All the Cartoon Mothers Dead?” And they are, you know. Bambi, Nemo, Snow White, Ariel, Belle, Pocahontas, Aladdin, and almost any other cartoon main character you can think of is a motherless child. In fact, Ms Boxer challenges her readers to “show me an animated kids’ movie that has a named mother in it who lives until the credits roll.” There aren’t that many. The Lion King, Coraline, The Incredibles and a few others come to mind. However, she doesn’t try very hard to answer her own evocative question. She gives a few lame answers like: The unfolding of plot and personality depends on the dead mother.* The dead mother is psychologically good for the child because it allows him/her to preserve an internal good mother (even if the natural mother hadn’t been all good) and allows him/her to direct all his anger at the step mother.** I can think of better… Read More »

The Virgin Mary in COSTCO

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I dread going to COSTCO. It’s a huge, echoing void that begs to be filled even though it’s already jammed full of stuff. Unfortunately, the prices (at least on some things) make it irresistible. I had to make the sacrificial journey last Friday to get tested for new hearing aids. COSTCO charges over two thousand dollars less than the last place I went. I needed to pick up a few things so I tucked a bright yellow shopping bag with the Virgin Mary printed on both sides under my arm and ventured into the void. It was a normal, mind numbing COSTCO experience until I put a box of contact lens solution into my bag and headed back to the cheese cases for a COSTCO sized portion of fresh mozzarella to go with our tomatoes that have just now started ripening. A sad looking, elderly man’s eyes focused on the colorful BVM print and he looked up at me and grinned. A young woman glanced… Read More »

The Virgin Mary, Isis, The High Priestess, and the Empress

Posted 11 CommentsPosted in Major arcana, Tarot, Uncategorized

It seems like a huge patriarchal rip-off that neither the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, nor the Russian Orthodox Church considers the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ, to be divine. They caution their flocks that they may honor and venerate Mary, but they must not worship her. In all fairness, she was a mortal. By all accounts, a nice Jewish girl that would have made a good wife for any doting mother’s son—until voila! The Immaculate Conception. This move is not without precedent. Seducing mortal women was one of Zeus’s favorite pastimes. But the key word here is seduced. At least Leda got to enjoy it. God didn’t seduce Mary. He didn’t even offer polite conversation. All she got was a visit from his messenger, the Archangel Gabriel, who said, “Honey, you’re pregnant. In nine months you will bear God’s son. Take good care of him so that he can grow up and be crucified.” She did. And he did. Mary… Read More »