Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Posted 3 CommentsPosted in Gifts from the Multiverse, Wheel of the Year

Telly Savalas pretty much nailed it. This is, indeed, the big question. The one we wake up in the wee hours worrying and wondering about. Because, deep in our souls, we know that Dean Martin was right. You’re nobody till somebody loves you. Oh dear, I’m showing my age here aren’t I? Having a sweetie, a lover, close friends and family is wonderful. It’s what Valentine’s Day is all about. It makes our hearts sing and the world look rosy. It means we don’t wake up quite as often with the big question heavy on our hearts. But even if you have the happiest marriage and children and friends that adore you, sometimes you still wake up wondering. This is one of the reasons we have religions. If you pay attention, almost all of them are about answering this question. And their answer is pretty much unanimous: “The whole freakin’ Multiverse, Baby! We are all somebody.” But unfortunately, most of us don’t feel this Love.… Read More »