The Book Launch for Mainly by Moonlight Was a Success! Even Though the Books Didn’t Make It.

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After I got done being hysterical: Oh shit oh shit oh shit! I can’t do a book launch with no books! People are coming because they want the book and Another Read Through wants to sell it to them and so do I. What’s the point of a book launch if there are no books to launch? Etc., etc., etc. And then I took a deep breath (always a good thing, but, yes, this is probably the most over-used phrase in modern fiction, but I really did take a deep breath, in fact I took several) and it slowly dawned on me that a book launch is not just about selling books, it’s also about celebrating the birth of a new book, the manifestation of an idea born out of gallons of blood, sweat, and tears. OK, fine, I could work with this. I did have plenty of copies of Book One, Forging the Blade, so I decided to sell it for $10 instead of… Read More »